Disclaimer: This webpage was created by an AP Bio student for a class project. Any information published on this web may not be entirely accurate, and therefore cannot be a used as a reference. This page is published by "me" =>Ali, Mustafa. On the amazing chromosome no. 7
Background info:
The nucleus of a cell holds the genetic material in the form of chromatin (uncoiled state of chromosome in interphase), which is composed of the material DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The Chromosomes are formed when the chromatin supercoils during the prohase of mitosis. There are a total of 24 chromosomes in the species of Homo Sapiens (Yes thats us,"H:U:M:A:N:S")
The Web project:
This website was published by an AP BIO student for a class project. All the students in our class were assigned with a chromosome number, and i was fortunate enough to get the lucky No. **7**. Each individual was responsible for finding three diseases and two proteins on their chromosome. So.... this is my first web page ever, EnJoY. Have FUN and a Happy Thanks Giving!!!!!!!!!!!!!